There are several free online citation generators that will make your Works Cited or Reference pages for you. Beware that these do not always format your sources correctly (there is a reason they are free). If you choose to use one of these tools, use the tabs at the top of the screen to check that they are correct before submitting your assignment. You don't want to lose points on your assignment because the AI generators were wrong!
Name of host. (Host). (Years aired). Title of podcast [Audio podcast]. Production Company. Link if available
Meraji, S. M., & Demby, G. (Hosts). (2016–present). Code switch [Audio podcast]. National Public Radio.
Seales, A. (Host). (2018–present). Small doses with Amanda Seales [Audio podcast]. Starburns Audio.
Podcast Episode
Name of host (Host). (Date episode aired). Title of episode (episode number abbreviated as No.) [Audio podcast episode]. In Podcast name. Production company. Link to episode
Hannah-Jones, N. (Host). (2019, September 13). How the bad blood started (No. 4) [Audio podcast episode]. In 1619. The New York Times.
Webster, M., & Abumrad, J. (Hosts). (2020, September 11). Bringing gamma back, again [Audio podcast episode]. In Radiolab. WNYC Studios.
In-Text Citation:
Use the name of the host and the year.
(Hannah-Jones, 2019)
(Webster & Abumrad, 2020)
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